Welcome To Guaranty Trade Consulting Company...

At Guaranty Trade Consulting Company, we are experts in trading of general products like crude oil products, farm products, chemicals, machinery, fabrics, accessories, hardwares, wood products etc.




International Consulting and Trading Company

Why Choose Guaranty Trade Consult

  • Because we offer a great service in designing your strategy, in developing your business, in simplifying your processes and in bringing new technologies inside your company.
  • Because we love what we do and we bring enthusiasm and commitment to every project we work on. Put simply, we care about your business.
  • Because we listen to your ideas, plans and objectives for your business. We discuss and then we advice. If we feel we’re not a good fit, we’ll be honest and tell you from the outset.
  • Because our strong sense of identification with your projects means that we are constantly striving to provide solutions, even for issues you aren’t yet aware of.

Experts in Consultancy

Services Since 2015

Who We Are


Small and medium size companies have often difficulties to define their own strategy: they sometimes renounce to have one or they simply copy-paste the strategy of somebody else. The result is a short-term focused management that will not allow the company to catch the best opportunities of growth and profitability that might be in the interest of its managers and owners.

Guaranty Trade Consulting Company supports customers in high precision mechanics industry in defining both the company vision and the best strategy to reach such a vision. Our action consists mainly of 5 different steps:

  1. Analysis of main historical business performances and definition of few KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that shall be used to define targets and to monitor the future company results;
  2. Definition of company vision;
  3. SWOT analysis, i.e. the identification of company Strengths on which to leverage the strategy, of the Weaknesses to take special care of during the strategy implementation, of the Opportunities to catch and take advantage of and of the Threats that my jeopardize the company plans;
  4. Qualitative description of directions that company wants to go for in terms of:
    – company sales purpose;
    – company values;
    – products portfolio;
    – market segments  and geographical approach;
    – brand recognition;
    – operations;
    – digital marketing;
    – technology needs;
    – organization and training.
  5. For each chapter of above step d), preparation of a complete list of operative actions (with due date and responsibilities) to be programmed in the fixed time span of strategy implementation.